SAGECare Silver credentialed provider
March 5, 2021
Residences at Vantage Point has once again completed the requisite amount of LGBT aging training to be listed as a SAGECare Silver credentialed provider. Active through the end of 2021.
You can find Residences At Vantage Point on the searchable list of credentialed providers. By clicking on the link to SAGECare website you can find a description of the certification program and what it means. SAGECare-Find a Provider.
Congratulations on completing your training!
Once again, Residences At Vantage Point is ahead of the curve ! We achieved our SAGECare certification last year! In addition, we all strive to stay current and compliant regarding LGBT aging training. Please read an informative article in recent news: McKnight’s Senior Living re: a new law outlining LGBT rights of seniors in senior living.
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